Heat Season 2024 is expected to break record temperatures!

We are expecting our first heat wave this week, but across the globe we are already witnessing devastating images of people and animals dying from extreme heat. Delhi in India reached 126 degrees, birds and howler monkeys in Mexico are dropping from trees. Like the canary in the coal mine, these tragic events signify a warning that our communities should prepare for record-breaking temperatures in Los Angeles; we must plan ahead.

CEMO has taken some steps with our City partners, such as the Emergency Management Department (EMD), Los Angeles Public Libraries (LAPL), and the Department of Water and Power (LADWP), with support from the Office of the Mayor. We are re-launching our Heat Relief 4 LA Campaign and in advance, we have distributed multilingual heat safety materials to over 30 non-profit organizations. Our heat safety materials will also be at every City Library and Council District Office. If your organization would like us to mail you materials, please reach out to us via email at CEMO-Office@lacity.org to let us know.

We are also starting a door-to door-campaign in Boyle Heights with Visión y Compromiso. By mid-June, you will see our bus shelter PSA posters on 400 bus shelters Citywide in English, Spanish, Chinese and Korean. Thank you to our resident artist, the legendary Lalo Alcaraz, for creating additional art for this year’s campaign! This year, we have also partnered with LADWP on our bus shelter campaign. Below we have linked LADWP’s Cool LA resources for their customers to access programs and resources to help stay cool.

Heat Relief 4 LA Campaign 2024 Objectives:

  • Launch a premier City-driven, public art-inspired, multilingual (15 languages) extreme heat and public safety campaign that targets our most heat-vulnerable communities and beyond, in all Council districts!
  • To raise awareness to prevent death and injury among all Angelenos, especially vulnerable and unhoused communities.
  • Raise awareness of the danger that heat emergencies pose to everyday people and workers through social media, print, podcasts, panels, and community partnerships.
  • Raise awareness of the Cool Spots LA Widget as a vital and necessary resource during heat emergencies.
  • Ensure all LA residents know that our 73 City Libraries are there for cooling and refuge from extreme heat, which you can find by calling 311, visiting MyLA311, or checking the Cool Spots LA Widget.