Cool Spots LA shows Angelenos where they can go to cool off during emergencies, such as our recent extreme heat waves. As directed by Councilmember Paul Krekorian, author of the motion creating the position of Chief Heat Officer, Segura and CEMO have coordinated the efforts of multiple departments to compile a single interactive directory of all the public facilities in the city where sweltering Angelenos can cool off during these triple-digit days.
LADWP, StreetsLA, the Department of Recreation and Parks, Los Angeles Public Libraries, and the Data Team of the Office of the Mayor have coordinated efforts to map all of the augmented Cooling Centers, libraries, senior centers, recreation centers, shade structures, bus shelters and hydration stations throughout Los Angeles. “Extreme heat is the deadliest climate risk facing Los Angeles,” said Councilmember Krekorian. “During these days of extreme heat emergency, our public libraries, senior centers, and the indoor facilities of recreation centers at City parks are open to the public during the day as ‘Cool Spots,’ where any of us can take a break from the heat.”
“This is how constituents expect our City leaders to co-create and co-design services and projects – seamlessly,” said CHO Segura. “Overall, we added over 200 Cool Spots by accounting for the City’s current investments and this map will continue to add cool spots as the infrastructure investments expand.” This project would not have been possible without the collaboration of all of the departments named above and the Emergency Management Department. The Mayor's Data Team was instrumental in designing the platform and app for Cool Spots LA (Climate4LA.org/CoolSpotsLA).

City of LA Heat Relief Programs
Cool LA: Cooling Rebates, Programs, and Resources (LADWP)
City Extreme Heat Resources (Emergency Management Department)
SwimLA: City Pools and Splash Pads (Department of Recreation and Parks)
LA City Public Library Branches: Locations and Hours (Los Angeles Public Library)
City Recreation Centers, Parks, and Facilities (Department of Recreation and Parks)
NotifyLA Emergency Alerts (Emergency Management Department)
Hydration Station Initiative Program (LADWP)
Climate Tool Kit for Communities (Office of the Mayor)

Heat Safety Communications
CEMO Heat Safety Outreach Materials (Multilingual: English, Spanish, Armenian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, Thai)
LARC Extreme Heat Social Media Campaign (LA Regional Collaborative for Climate Action and Sustainability)
#HeatSeason Campaign (Arsht-Rock Resilience Center)
Heat Wave and Heat Exhaustion Safety (Red Cross)
Disaster Readiness Resource Hub (Listos California)
Heat Ready CA (Office of Community Partnerships and Strategic Communications, CA Governor’s Office of Planning and Research)

Extreme Heat Digital Maps & Tools
Cool Spots LA App (City of LA/CEMO)
LA County Cooling Centers (ReadyLA County)
UCLA Heat Maps (UCLA C-Solutions)
CA Healthy Places Index: Extreme Heat Edition (CA Healthy Places)

Relevant Extreme Heat Reports
Turning Down the Heat: Addressing Heat Inequities of Frontline Communities in Los Angeles (UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Master of Public Policy program)
Identifying and Addressing Heat Inequities in the City of Los Angeles (UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs, Master of Urban and Regional Planning program)
Heat Fact Sheet (UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation)
Extreme Heat Can Impact Our Lives In Many Ways (CDC)
How Climate Change Affects Your Health (APHA)
California extreme heat deaths show climate change risks (LA Times)

Why Focus On Extreme Heat?
Extreme heat is the primary climate hazard for LA. Hotter, longer heat waves caused by climate change, that now extend to mid-November, are one of the greatest threats to public health and habitability. Extreme heat is sending more people to the hospital, and causing more deaths, than any other climate hazard in Los Angeles. While the hazards of heat waves affect everyone, extreme heat has a disproportionate impact on low-income residents and communities of color, who face the greatest vulnerability to extreme heat-related illness and death due to the cumulative burdens of pre-existing health conditions, excessive air pollution, and seasonal smoke.
These are preventable deaths and hospitalizations. City of LA Chief Heat Officer Marta Segura is driving collaboration with City Departments and Bureaus, in alignment with LA County, to address extreme heat risks in a proactive, coordinated, and equity-driven approach.
In collaboration with the City's Emergency Management Department, Recreation and Parks, Library, and Public Works, and the County of LA, we launched a proactive heat and public health awareness campaign for the City and the Greater LA region. Help us reach vulnerable populations this summer by supporting the #HeatRelief4LA Campaign! Commit to support the #HeatRelief4LA Network.
Encourage your friends and community members to sign up online for NotifyLA extreme heat alerts. Post and share more resources online – use the hashtag #HeatRelief4LA and our team can share them with communities across LA!
Email: CEMO-Office@lacity.org
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